My path to coaching

Being an inner city primary school teacher - a path to coaching

As an inner city London primary school teacher for 25 years, I was passionate about empowering the children, working to bring forth a dynamic 360 educational experience, sharing tools to support their emotional well being.
I was not an ordinary teacher: I sought to inspire and to help them feel recognised and unique, rapping with them, creating day-glow discos, writing stories and songs for them, introducing them to meditation, yoga, Qi Gong, Sacred Geometry. In short, I saw what their soul needed, and what the education system lacked, and I made it my job to deliver education in the most brilliant and loving as possible.
I was drawn to their natural curiosity, awe and wonder partly because this is something I also have. Galloping with gusto in challenging circumstances I used many unusual routes of creative education to bring learning alive. I took risks, partly because I treasure my own child like wonder, it was natural: I was determined to honour the children.
This was so much at odds with the school system, that eventually my approach felt unsustainable.
It was difficult to leave; I made a daily difference to the children. And whilst I was a brilliant teacher of ‘subjects’, my passion and joy lay with their personal and emotional development.

My other passion is to deeply and vigorously pursue my own personal development, and it is this which has led me here, on this path of coaching.

Educator to coach - where’s the connection?

Because it is the inner child, present in all of us, which, when connected with, can bring joy. Being an adult seems to bring a great seriousness in some, a sense of heaviness. And so, it is my resonance with children that I have embraced. One might describe it as, the ‘purity of consciousness’ - but as adults we have the widom of years too; it’s a great combination. This does not mean that we will ‘act like a child’ - it’s akin toaccessing and embracing the awe and wonder to help increase joy. It’s this that I love to share because in my lived experience, it increases joy, health and happiness, and I feel this is what most humans strive for.