Welcome to
Coaching in Colour

Coaching in Colour

Coaching in Colour is the name of my 1:1 coaching sessions, in person and on line where we nourish, grow, and shine together.
My style? Kind, gentle, compassionate, wise, genuine.

I’ve named it Coaching in Colour because I personally use colour as my connector in both clothing, body decoration and my lived enviornment because I experience how the use of colour can genuinely enhance well being. I also use colour in the emotional realm. Read More: The Inspiration of Colour.

I’m passionate about cultivating the feeling within you, for you to experience a feeling of deep confidence within yourself, your home envrionment, your relationships.
When good emotional health is achieved, confidence grows, dreams can become real and there’s a greater sense of every day joy.
You are invited to connect - I offer a free 10 minute telephone chat, where you can ask questions and feel in to what Coaching in Colour can offer you.

Accessing and embracing the awe and wonder to help increase joy. It’s this that I love to share because in my lived experience, it increases joy, health and happiness, and I feel this is what most humans strive for.
— RR

Are you ready to nourish yourself by welcoming in new ways of thinking, feeling, and doing?

What do I bring to you?

“I bring my lifetime of self development, where I have experienced a number of different spiritual teachers, ceremonies, methodology and study, including training in; Non Violent Communcation (NVC), Systemic Constellations (The Whole Partnership), Mediation (Vipanssana, 2010 & Sivananda 2007), Life Coaching Certification (2022), Reiki (Advanced, 2007), Sociocracy (2021), B.A. (Hons),1986. And my participation with varied community groups and festivals for decades,and my voluntary work with communities in Japan, West Africa, India and a stream of continual creative expression.”

Why am I coaching?

“Because I’m passionate about creating a more open, connected, peaceful, global society because it is one way to share this passion and because I love guiding and supporting people to develop positive internal and external changes which, as ripples do, they keep rippling, so these changes will effect everyone!

I have also often experienced people radomly come to me for advice and guidance, even if I have not told them that I do this for a living.

I discovered that I have an ability to connect with people quickly, to resonate and ‘bring out’ what might be unseen, and to use this as a catalyst for change. My remit as a coach is broad, and just like all the colours of the rainbow, there are many access points to begin that evolution.
Read testimonials.

As ‘we are all connected’, little steps, medium acts, and big changes are felt by strangers as well as those close to us. And this is evidential via improved mental and physical well being ”

My path to coaching -
Read More

How are the coaching sessions structured?

“I suggest an inital block of 5 sessions with the general theme of; Nourish, Grow, Shine. (Read below the general descriptors)
With guidance, practices, enquiry, strategy: we work together.
Coaching is not therapy, though some elements may feel theraputic. My nature is gentle and humorous and everything in between - but I never seek to create discomfort. However, taking leaps, making decisions, moving forwards, can sometimes feel uncomfortable!
Whilst I have undertaken many different trainings, and have those embedded in to my being, each and every client is different, so each session has a different feel and trajectory, and I am never formulaic.
What you bring to the table is unique to you and will require a unique approach from me. And because I do approach each client ‘fresh’, it allows for movement and flow, and for the unexpected to be presented - and the unexpected change to take place!
I offer a free 10 minute ‘phone consultation, for you to feel in to whether my service could work for you.”


    You share your seed.

    You want to feel a change in your daily frequency. You may have a wish, a dream, to create and experience joy with a project you want to see come alive, or yearn to achieve a deeper connection with nature and people?

    We work together to nourish this seed you bring.

  • GROW

    Movement and growth begins.

    We explore ways for you to grow, with kind guidance, deep listening and authentic, achievable ways for your seed to grow and flourish.

    I nurture and support you, using tools such as Visioning and Manifesting.


    Your shine is showing more.

    We reflect on how your goals are being achieved - like a polish on your seed, revealing more of your shine.

    You may find your daily life is infused with increased joy, welcoming in feelings of deeper confidence and Well Being, and an improved relationship with yourself, and the world around.

If you are interested in Rebecca’s Coaching in Colour, you are invited to read more (opens to another page) on her feelings and vision for you, as a client.

Coaching in Colour,
session options & investment.

  • You will receive a dedicated hour of my time to work on activating a project, explore an emotional issue, discuss ways to raise the quality of your emotional and spiritual health, how to bring joy to friendships and relationships, how to connect with the playful part of yourself. The overall thread is how to raise your vibration and increase joy.

    Feed back from my sessions cites 'confidence building' , that it 'brings clarity and calmness' a 'focus to a vision'. See testimonials for further feedback.

    An 'in person session' takes place in a beautiful, colourful, warm inviting space. There is also an option for you to lie down, or to stretch if necessary. In 'in person' sessions, Rebecca may share some of her sound healing instruments to soothe and settle.

    1 hour investment: £75.00


  • You will receive a dedicated hour of my time to work on activating a project, explore an emotional issue, discuss ways to raise the quality of your emotional and spiritual health, how to bring joy to friendships and relationships, how to connect with the playful part of yourself. The overall thread is how to raise your vibration and increase feelings of joy.

    Feed back from my sessions cites 'confidence building' , that it 'brings clarity and calmness' a 'focus to a vision'. See testimonials for further feedback.

    An on line session can be just as powerful and can include any dynamic elements as they transpire. You will be in the comfort of you own home, allowing for any movement (if that is called).

    Rebecca may share some of her sound healing instruments to soothe and settle which whilst not as resonant as in person, they can still support in creating feelings of peace and calm.

    1 hour investment: £75.00


  • I will visit you in the comfort of your own home.
    Using my innate skills and life long experience of joyfully enhancing interiors, the warm and friendly session begins with; a relaxing guided exercise with guided breath work, guided visualisation and dialogue where feelings about your home environment are expressed.

    We will explore how your home feels and flows for you, and incorporating simple spiritual principles, we will feel how the use of colour and arrangements of objects and furniture may be moved or changed to elevate the feeling of joy within your home.

    Investment 2 hours £350

    Location, Your Home (mileage costs from 15 mile radius of RH18)


  • 5 x 1 hour sessions pre booked and used within 8 weeks of booking. Booking and paying in advance for 5 sessions brings each session down to £65

    Investment £325


    click here for terms of service