Welcome to Coaching in Colour

Coaching in Colour

Coaching in Colour is the name for my sessions where we create a space, and a time that is just for you. You share. You may bring one focus issue or a general feeling you are wanting to change. You may wish to feel more connected, or to discover new and different paths to increase your joy or develop a connection to Spirit, or grow in confidence. I can guide you towards the source of your own joy by supporting you to nourish your inner child through simple daily practices and a change in your mind - and body set.

I share this through; 1:1 coaching sessions, in person and on line where we nourish, grow, and shine together.
My style? Kind, gentle, compassionate, wise, genuine.

I’m passionate about cultivating the feeling within you, for you to experience a feeling of deep confidence within yourself, your home envrionment, your relationships - because I love guiding clients to feel nourished, to grow, and to shine! When good emotional health is achieved, confidence grows, dreams can become real and there’s a greater sense of every day joy. You are invited to connect - I offer a free 10 minute telephone chat, where you can ask questions and feel in to what Coaching in Colour can offer you.

Are you ready to nourish yourself by welcoming in new ways of thinking, feeling, and doing?

How will I enable you to authentically shine?

“My coaching brings together so many of my passions, and the opportunity to support others in finding ways to have fun, deepen their connection to themselves, and to discover what brings them authentic joy. For each person this may differ. Many people live in a state of continuous overwhelm, daunted by their to-do lists, feeling stressed and inadequate, and have long since disconnected from the playfulness that delighted them as a child.

It is my mission to help restore that sense of awe, wonder and pleasure by guiding client’s towards their innate relationship to nature, and incorporating simple but powerful daily practises which give space for their inner child to feel loved and seen again.

The fun does not need to stop when we become adults!”

What do I bring to the table?

“I bring awareness to the feeling that I am not alone in having experienced a childhood in which many of my needs went unrecognised and unmet. As an adult I am passionate about working with children and spent decades as a primary school teacher in inner-city schools, and I love nourishing the inner child in adults. Why? Because I see the positive effects it can have in all areas of life.

I am passionate about the importance of allowing ourselves to be inspired on a daily basis.

I love seeing the changes in my clients, of how taking small steps deep inside, has a ripple effect on those around us. We may have worked through a personal or strategic issue, from something emotional such as developing confidence, or learning how to overcome negative habits, how to weave in more fun, how to enjoy and utlise colour, how to connect to spirit in small ways, every day, along with tools and practises to uplift and generate positive change, which ripples out.”

Coaching in Colour - The Journey


    You share your seed.

    You want to feel a change in your daily frequency. You may have a wish, a dream, to create and experience joy with a project you want to see come alive, or yearn to achieve a deeper connection with nature and people?

    We work together to nourish this seed you bring.

  • GROW

    Movement and growth begins.

    We explore ways for you to grow, with kind guidance, deep listening and authentic, achievable ways for your seed to grow and flourish.

    I nurture and support you, using tools such as Visioning and Manifesting and other practises to support you.


    Your shine is showing more.

    We reflect on tools received and practised, consider goals - like a polish on your seed, revealing more of your shine.

    You may find your daily life is infused with increased joy, welcoming in feelings of deeper confidence and Well Being.


If you are interested in Rebecca’s Coaching in Colour, you are invited to read more on her feelings and vision for you, as a client.

Joy is present in the every day things.

Joy is present in the delight I take in creating a home that is playful, whimsical and full of surprises; in making meals so colourful and nutritious that I feel I am mothering myself; in walking in nature and making up songs about bluebells dressed head to foot in blue and purple, in hand sewing my own glitter suits, in performing my performance poem: Goddess and turning it into an epic pop video, in travelling the world in pursuit of adventure and beauty... In short, if I had to sum it up, I’d say that I see life as an ongoing adventure: an opportunity to express our inner innocence, our child-like playfulness, and experience as much gratitude and joy as possible.

Whatever your age, I believe you can reconnect with the part of yourself that loves to play and be in delight, thereby enhancing your daily life and your capacity to feel joy.

The examples I give above may not be your way to experience joy, but that is our task together: to discover what excites your inner child. Through the coaching sessions we will explore where you long to live your life with greater freedom, authenticity and fun, and I will then support you in cultivating simple daily practices which nurture this intention. I have a wide range of skills and tools from; meditation, breath work, mindful movement, song, storytelling, upgrading your clothes and home joyfully, and I will draw on my wide array of experiences to guide you deeper into your own truth.

I am a conduit, a connector, between you and the goal or vision you may have.

I’ll be sharing; daily core practises and tools for this life journey, discovering ways to; cultivate your joy, supporting you to develop and grow your spiritual connection to yourself and the world around you.  

There will be a range of intuitive, practical, creative and inspiring practices, bringing you home to joy in your heart, through; dialogue, mindful breathing, movement, if we are in a ‘live’ situation. On line, my coaching skills will also guide you to make small changes, embrace new practises with kind, soft guidance.

Through these tools and methods we will uncover together such themes such as any limiting beliefs, goal setting that is also ‘in the flow’ , I want you to make those goals too and we will only work on those which you feel are achievable.

From these sessions it is anticipated that you’ll begin resonating with your vision, feeling an improved sense of well being, enabling you to make, authentic, heart centred choices for a more joy filled life.

And depending on your individual journey in life, through the sessions we can explore your connection to colour, how you interact with it, exploring ways it may enhance you and your living space. This may be in what you wear, in your clothing, in your home. Colour is vibration and we will discover together how it can make a positive difference to you.

Coaching in Colour,
session options & investment.

  • You will receive a dedicated hour of my time to work on activating a project, explore an emotional issue, discuss ways to raise the quality of your emotional and spiritual health, how to bring joy to friendships and relationships, how to connect with the playful part of yourself. The overall thread is how to raise your vibration and increase joy.

    Feed back from my sessions cites 'confidence building' , that it 'brings clarity and calmness' a 'focus to a vision'. See testimonials for further feedback.

    An 'in person session' takes place in a beautiful, colourful, warm inviting space. There is also an option for you to lie down, or to stretch if necessary. In 'in person' sessions, Rebecca may share some of her sound healing instruments to soothe and settle.

    1 hour investment: £75.00


  • You will receive a dedicated hour of my time to work on activating a project, explore an emotional issue, discuss ways to raise the quality of your emotional and spiritual health, how to bring joy to friendships and relationships, how to connect with the playful part of yourself. The overall thread is how to raise your vibration and increase feelings of joy.

    Feed back from my sessions cites 'confidence building' , that it 'brings clarity and calmness' a 'focus to a vision'. See testimonials for further feedback.

    An on line session can be just as powerful and can include any dynamic elements as they transpire. You will be in the comfort of you own home, allowing for any movement (if that is called).

    Rebecca may share some of her sound healing instruments to soothe and settle which whilst not as resonant as in person, they can still support in creating feelings of peace and calm.

    1 hour investment: £75.00


  • I will visit you in the comfort of your own home.
    Using my innate skills and life long experience of joyfully enhancing interiors, the warm and friendly session begins with; a relaxing guided exercise with guided breath work, guided visualisation and dialogue where feelings about your home environment are expressed.

    We will explore how your home feels and flows for you, and incorporating simple spiritual principles, we will feel how the use of colour and arrangements of objects and furniture may be moved or changed to elevate the feeling of joy within your home.

    Investment 2 hours £350

    Location, Your Home (mileage costs from 15 mile radius of RH18)


  • 5 x 1 hour sessions pre booked and used within 8 weeks of booking. Booking and paying in advance for 5 sessions brings each session down to £65

    Investment £325


    click here for terms of service