Before you go to sleep

Before I go to sleep at night I connect with a habit I have developed - a good habit that has been so beneficial to me that I just want to share it with you!

Every night when I first climb in to bed, I choose five things to give thanks for. These ‘things’ can be tiny things such as; ‘thank you for my eyelashes’. One might imagine what a big change it would be, not….to have eyelashes. I work at not focusing on what I don’t have but what I do. This definitely raises my feelings of joy!

I give thanks for what I do have and what is working well! After a little blinking, I might then say to myself; ‘thank you for the help that stranger gave me today’, ‘thank you for my toes’, ‘thank you for the apple I ate,’ thank you for this bed’.

These little nightly declarations of gratitude for people places or things has given me the experience of a raised vibration and a feeling of joy, laying the foundation for a good night’s rest.

Like some of you reading this, I am can have worries and whirring thoughts as I go to bed, but as soon as I enter into this round of gratitude; my vibration shifts. If you choose to try this for a few nights, share how you felt. Is this a habit you want to develop?! Did it shift you in to a feeling of increased joy? I’d love to know!

Good Night………..Zzzzzzzzzzz


Wonderful world of washing up


Hello Cosmos!